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发布时间:2014/5/29   点击:

2014年5月28日,在美国化学学会(ACS)的杂志Industrial &Engineering Chemistry Research(IECR)即工业与工程化学研究杂志,发表了我公司有关低温练漂的研究论文:《A Novel LowTemperature Approach for Simultaneous Scouring and Bleaching of Knitted CottonFabric at 60°C》(一种在60℃对棉针织物同时进行精练和漂白的新型低温加工工艺),为此,ACS的新闻周刊还专门撰文介绍,题目为“A more earth friendlyway to make bright white cotton fabrics”(一种更加环保的棉织物漂白方法)。


Amore earth friendly way to make bright white cotton fabrics

"ANovel Low Temperature Approach for Simultaneous Scouring and Bleaching ofKnitted Cotton Fabric at 60°C"

Industrial& Engineering Chemistry Research

Witha growing number of consumers demanding more earth-friendly practices from thefashion world, scientists are developing new ways to produce textiles thatcould help meet rising expectations. They report in the ACS journal Industrial& Engineering Chemistry Research one such method that can dramaticallyreduce the amount of energy it takes to bleach cotton while improving thequality of the popular material.

QuanZu and colleagues point out that the cotton industry’s current whiteningtechniques require bleaching the natural fiber at very high temperatures withhydrogen peroxide. Although this method results in the bright white materialconsumers have grown so fond of, it also lowers the quality of the material andtakes a lot of energy to carry out. Multiply that by the 7.3 billion pounds ofcotton produced in the U.S. alone, and the energy needs soar. To cut down onthe energy the textile industry uses to make cotton, Zu’s team targeted itsefforts toward lowering the bleaching technique’s high temperatures.

Theydeveloped a novel compound that, when used with hydrogen peroxide, drops the bleachingtemperature down to 140 degrees Fahrenheit from 200 degrees. The authorsestimated that 60 degree difference would result in a process requiring lessthan half the energy as the commercial technique. It also produced lesswastewater, improved the weight of the material and performed its originalfunction — whitening the cotton. Since many materials destined to becomeclothing eventually take on various hues, the scientists also tested dyes andfound the cotton bleached at the lower temperature could be made just asvibrant as its high-heat counterpart. They successfully showed the treatment’seffectiveness on knitted cotton fabric in commercial scale trials.








